Our Mission
Why are we doing this? Simply put… our mission is to make Him known (Psalm 105). We want to illustrate the Word of God to draw everyone at every age to read and understand it! We love Jesus, and we want everyone to read, watch and listen to His story in a way that brings the real-verses to life from the Bible itself!
How are we different? We don’t illustrate Bible stories about Bible topics… no! Instead, we illustrate the real-Bible, verse by verse in it’s original sequence and context!
How much have we completed? We have already completed over 5,400 verses in full color, letter-size line art (for coloring pages), and ledger-size line art (for poster coloring) with more to come!
Our Methods
Real Verses: We illustrate real Bible verses without editing or paraphrasing them. And we keep the verses in their proper sequence and context to make sure no one is reading the verses out of order or in a way that confuses the original message.
Dramatic Illustrations: The pictures on each page are designed to activate the reader’s imagination and to give visual context to the verse being shown. We work hard to bring the Biblical characters to life in situations that take the reader back to the days of the Bible.
Insightful Questions: During your teaching, preaching or personal devotions using the Mr. Mac Bible we’re hoping you ask these five questions to yourself or to your audience:
- What’s happening here? Is there a problem?
- Who are these characters? Have we met them before?
- What do each of these characters want or need? What does God want for them?
- What warning, advise or encouragement might God give to each character?
- What choices do these characters have? What might happen at each choice?
The Verse is in the Picture: We intentionally place the written verse inside the hand-drawn illustration so that the reader cannot look at the pages without reading the Bible itself.
Big Text on Purpose: The text is large on purpose to make it easy to read by all ages (young and old), easy to see from a projector in a large room (or tv monitor), and easy to see when shown on a printed coloring page or from an iPad to a small group.
Bible Translations
English: We build our illustrated English Bible books using the modern American Standard Version known as the World English Bible, British Edition (WEBBE) ® (https://ebible.org/webbe).
Spanish: We build our Spanish illustrated Bible books from the La Biblia en Español Sencillo® (https://ebible.org/spabes).
We Love The Bible!
What Is The Bible? We believe the Holy Bible is the infallible and reliable Word of God and should be trusted for all references to our faith, to history and as the basis of our relationship with God himself (our salvation).
We Believe In Jesus
Who Is Jesus? He is the “Word of God” himself (Jesus – God the Son) who is with God and is God. Jesus is referenced directly in the Old and New Testament Bible prophesy verses from start to finish. He is our Lord and Savior, our God and King, our Creator… and by his grace He has made us his family.
We Are Waiting!
The 2nd Coming of Christ: In the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ from Heaven, he comes visibly with his armies to rescue his people, save the faithful of Israel, defeat God’s enemies, setup his 1,000 year reign in Jerusalem, judge all evil (good-bye Satan), and ultimately take us to his new Heaven and Earth!
Our Team
Scott McNamara
President, Chief Director
Proof Of Design, Inc. (www.MrMacBible.com)
Scott is the owner, president and chief designer of the Proof Of Design company that designs training instruction, media and corporate training movies to corporations all over the world.
Proof Of Design funds the development of the Mr. Mac Bible books and Scott leads the illustration design team. Scott not only conceptually designs each page of the illustrated Bible books, but he manages the translations, works directly with the publishers and online developers, and provides the final formatting for the printed and online books.
Call or email Scott directly to talk about using our books in your schools, churches and foreign missions.
Kirsten Nimway
Visual Design Manager, Illustrator, Graphic Artist, Animator
Kirsten is the manager and lead of the illustration and animation team. She is the original inventor of the Mr. Mac Bible characters and the artist behind their unique illustration style and the 3D-like situation modeling approach. Kirsten is a native of the Philippines and is a founding member of our Bible design and illustration team since 2012!
Charlene Mae Malonzo
Illustrator, Graphic Artist, Animator
Charlene is the lead illustrator and animator on our team. Her consistent work on custom hand-drawn fonts, backgrounds, and dynamic character illustrations has been invaluable! Charlene is also a native of the Philippines and joined our team in 2014!
Harkin Deximire
Illustrator, Graphic Artist, Animator
Harkin is the newest member of our team and brings powerful drama and flare to our characters and scenes! Harkin is a native of the Philippines and joined our team in 2020!
Tammy Grant
Director - Sunflower Creatives
Tammy and her team of developers have helped to pioneer our MrMacBible.com website and have provided invaluable help in producing our brand and website presence. Tammy Grant and Scott McNamara serve at the same church, and our families are friends. Please contact Tammy directly for all of your company branding and web development needs.