
Acts 4 to 8

A verse by verse coloring book of the Book Of Acts without skipping any of the verses from chapter 4 to 8!

Peter’s Boldness, Ananias & Sapphira, Escape from Jail, Stephen is Chosen for Service, Abraham’s Story Summarized, Moses’ Story, Stephen Stoned, Saul’s Attack.


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Acts 9 to 12

A verse by verse coloring book of the Book Of Acts without skipping any of the verses from chapter 9 to 12!

Christians On-the-run! Saul on the Road to Damascus! Peter and Dorcas, The Angel and Cornelius, Peter’s Trance, Gentile Believers? Peter to be Executed? Peter is Free!! King Herod, Paul & Barnabas.


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Acts 13 to 17

A verse by verse coloring book of the Book Of Acts without skipping any of the verses from chapter 13 to 17!

Old Testament Gospel, Gentiles and Jews, Un-STONE-able!  The Jewish Law, Three Christian Laws, Paul’s Break-up with Barnabas, The Call for Help, Philippian Jail, To Athens!


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Acts 17 to 22

A verse by verse coloring book of the Book Of Acts without skipping any of the verses from chapter 17 to 22!

To an UNKNOWN GOD, Paul Alone, Fighting Evil Spirits! Riot in Ephesus! Sleeping in Church? Goodbye Ephesus! Praying on the Beach, Please Don’t Go! Killing Paul? Arresting Paul?


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Acts 23 to 28

A verse by verse coloring book of the Book Of Acts without skipping any of the verses from chapter 23 to 28!

Assassinating Paul? 40 Jewish Assassins! Preaching to Governors! Preaching to Kings! King Agrippa. Hurricane? Shipwrecked! Murderer or god? Arrival at Rome. Paul’s Freedom?


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