
Genesis to David

In this 1st book of the “favorite verses” series, we color our way through Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Judges, and 1st and 2nd Samuel… with emphasis on Samuel The Prophet, King Saul, and Young David, King David, Bathsheba, and Young Absalom;


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David to Elijah

In this 2nd book of the “favorite verses” series, we color our way through the failed rebellion of Absalom, King David’s return, King Solomon’s Temple, the splitting of the kingdom, to the battle of Elijah against Baal on Mt. Carmel. From 2nd Samuel to 1st Kings;

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Elijah to Jezebel

In this 3rd book of the series, Mr. Mac’s “favorite verses” begins where the “David to Elijah” book left off. Today we will color our way from Elijah on Mt. Carmel, to the judgement of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.  From 1st Kings to 2nd Kings!


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Exile to Daniel

In this 4th book of Mr. Mac’s “favorite verses” we begin where the “Elijah to Jezebel” book left off.  We color our way through the exile of the Jews to Babylon to the amazing visions and stories of Daniel.  From 2nd Kings to Daniel!


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